Sanlúcar de Barrameda offers the visitor much to do the whole year around, and has a full program de fiestas and events of a cultural and religious character:
Cabalgata de Los Reyes Magos 5th January
Carnavales 2th to ih March.
Semana Santa 5th to 12th April.
Romería del Rocío 27th of May to 3rd June.
A large number of Rocío brother hoods cross the Guadalquivir from Sanlúcar de Barrameda on their pilgrimage.
Feria de la Manzanilla From 20th o 24th May.
Velada de San Antonio de Padua 13th June
Velada de la Virgen del Rocío June
Certamen de Cante Flamenco Noches de Bajo de Guía July
Velada de Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen de Bonanza y Bajo de Guía.15 th & 16th July.
VIII Sanlúca rFestival of Jazz July.
XXIV International Festival of Classical Music on the banks of the Guadalquivir. 1st quarter of August.
Horse races on the beach : July/August (two 3 day meets)
Fiestas Patronales en Honor de Ntra. Sra. de la Caridad 13th to 15th August.
Fiestas de exhaltación al Río Guadalquivir from 20th to 23rd August.
Fiesta of the pepper (La Algaida) August.
Tapas Fair: October.
Romería (La Algaida ) October.
Velada en honor a San Lucas Evangelista (Patrón of Sanlúcar) October.